August 5, 2019

  One of the most common complaints I hear from parents is that another child is being “mean” to their child, usually by excluding their child from the playgroup or saying hurtful things, like “I don’t want to be your friend anymore” or “You dress like a geek”. What’s a parent to do…short of hunting…

July 29, 2019

    Who would have ever thought that an ordinary phone timer could be one of the best time management tools a parent might possess? A timer can be used to corral straggling children, motivate them to do almost any boring task and teach them the concept of time. The best part is that busy…

June 27, 2019

If you are going through a divorce, there are three things you can tell your children to reassure them and help them cope with the changes in their lives: 1. This is not your fault:  Children often believe they did something that caused the decision to divorce, like misbehaving or merely wishing their parents would…

June 26, 2019

  Discipline is more than just getting your children to obey you. Actually, the word discipline comes from the Latin words discere, meaning to learn and diciplina meaning to instruct or guide. We discipline or guide our children so they can learn how to behave in a social world. The goal of discipline is not…